Calvert County Republican Party
Welcome to the Calvert County Republican Central Committee (CCRCC) website. Check out the opportunities to participate in local Republican Clubs, upcoming events, and to learn of Republican legislative news. To successfully compete in the election marketplace we need your financial support, your active participation and your votes!
The Calvert County Republican Central Committee's 9 members are elected by Republican voters at the Primary Election in gubernatorial years for a 4-year term. In addition, associate members are elected by the CCRCC. The CCRCC is an all-volunteer organization. It meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month. All Republicans are welcome to attend these meetings!
February 5th, 6:30 pm
CCRCC Headquarters
424 Solomons Island Road, PF
We are all volunteers!
There are many ways to get involved and be part of the solution!
We need and appreciate your support!
Make a donation and/or join the McCabe 150 Club.
Subscribe and get the latest news and event details!
CCRCC Members
Josh Johnson, Chairman
Al Larsen, Vice-Chairman
Donna Zupancic, Treasurer
Betsy King, Secretary
JP Sherkus
Jonse Sutana
Jeremy Todzia
Donna McCrory
Associate Members
Chris Palombi
Jason Scaggs
Jan 8th CCRCC Mtg. canceled-- Next Mtg. is Feb 5th
Jan 8th CCRCC Mtg. canceled-- Next Mtg. is Feb 5th 〰️
HQ Office Hours
Our office hours are now Tuesday, 1-5pm or by appointment. The office will be closed December 16 - January 6.
From the BOE Members-Elect
"There are no words to describe how grateful I am to every single person that volunteered, donated, supported my campaign and voted for all 3 of us (Joe, Paul and I)! Calvert County has spoken, and Calvert wants change in CCPS!"
"I am extremely humbled and honored by the support received from the citizens of Calvert County. I'll be forever grateful to everyone that volunteered their time, donated to my campaign and helped get my name out there. I'm looking forward to getting to work on improving CCPS!"
"Thank you to my wife, my kids, our campaign donors, including Mark and Deena Fisher, and Geoff and Sue Wannamaker, our supporters including all the property owners who allowed my signage, our volunteers that shared the workload and the nearly 26,000 Calvert Voters who have entrusted me with this authority to make Calvert County Public Schools a better and safer place for the education of our children."
Mark Your Calendars
We are Republican because…
WE BELIEVE the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person's dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.
WE BELIEVE in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability.
We BELIEVE free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.