Calvert Republican Clubs
Republican Women of Calvert County - RWCC
Republican Women of Calvert County (RWCC) was established in 1959!
Meetings: 4th Monday of the month
Location: Stoney’s, Prince Frederick
Time: 11:00 AM
Contact: President Tisha Stone at 410-710-9941 or
Mail Address: P.O. Box 1862 Lusby, MD 20657
Facebook: republicanwomenofccmd
Republican Women Leaders of Calvert County-RWLC
RWLC was formed in 2003 to provide greater opportunities for women with daytime jobs to influence the political process. RWLC meets September through June with socials throughout the year (April Birthday Luncheon, August Pool Party, Christmas Party).
Meetings: 1st Tuesday of the month
Location: Bulrushes Cafe, Prince Frederick
Time: 6:15 PM
Contact: President Jana Barberio at
Calvert County Republican Men's Club
The Men's Club welcomes men of all ages who are interested in getting together to build a stronger Republican Party and keeping up to date on political developments at the federal, state and local level.
Meetings: 2nd Monday of the month
Location: Republican Headquarters, Prince Frederick
Time: 6:30 PM
Contact: Al Larsen,
Patuxent Republican Club
PRC welcomes all individuals from the Asbury-Solomons community.
Meetings: 2nd Thursday every other month
Location: Club Room, Asbury Solomons
Time: 1:00 PM
Contact: Fred Tillack at or 443-532-6693